Dining room window was last weekend, today (and tomorrow) I am getting a new window in my sewing room/office..... YAY! I will be able to open it without fear of spiders entering (old one didnt have flyscreens) and I wont need to remember to close the window before I can open the front door (the old window swung outwards when it was open AND it was right where the front door opened!)
Will post photos as soon as the weather fines up - there is too much rain for me to venture out to take a photo.
I have made a postcard or two for a couple of swaps that I am in... I can show you this one because it has already made it to its final destination. I used a silver metallic thread to zig-zag around the edges and it was a big PITA, the thread was breaking every inch or so (and I was using a special needle for metallic threads) I ended up sewing VERY slowly and it looks nice but I wont be using that thread in the machine again.