Outside My Window...
a dark, still night with a soft breeze blowing. Not cold (18degC at 11pm) . I can hear the neighborhood possum scampering on the fence
I am thinking...
how long is is going to be before the dog hears the possum and insists on going to explore?
I am thankful for...
being here, healthy and whole
From the kitchen...
sorry, no cooking tonight! It's my birthday so I got take-away noodles/veggies/beef and a slice of banana cake
I am wearing...
brown t-shirt and a green/brown patterned skirt
I am creating...
a gift from an "ugly" fat quarter that I was sent. And a couple of postcards for a swap
I am going...
to bed as soon as I post this!
I am reading...
"Living with the Dead" by Kelley Armstrong
I am hoping...
to get some creating done this weekend, I have several commitments at need to be sent in the next couple of weeks
I am hearing...
crickets outside my window, the possum and my dog snooring
Around the house...
the windows are open and I am enjoying the cool autumn evening
One of my favorite things...
cool evenings, (just like this one) the heat of summer is almost over and the chill of winter hasn't arrived
I remember...
the friends I have made over the years and how happy I am that most of them are still in my life
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
sew and create (no painting this week!!)
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
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